Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Elliot Spitzer

I don't know whether I have anything new or unique to say about Mr. Spitzer and his fall from grace, but everyone else seems to be blogging about it, so I may as well join the crowd. My initial reaction is that he's a total idiot, as arrogant as they come, and he got what he deserved. I suppose that's kind of harsh, but seriously, what the hell was he thinking? Is he a sex addict, a slave to his addiction just like an alcoholic or drug addict? Could be. But I believe that if you have that sort of inclination, you need to come down from the holier-than-thou pedastel, and not act as if you are better and more righteously moral than anyone else. We are all fallible humans, we all have our faults. Just don't make yourself out to be high and mighty and above everyone else.

There's been a lot said about his wife, and her standing by her man at the excruciatingly difficult press conferences. I want to believe that she loves him, warts and all, and wants to preserve her family for their children's sake. But I wonder. Didn't we see all this before when Hillary Clinton stood beside her cheatin' man, when we all know that what she really wanted to do was scratch his eyes out? Does Mrs. Spitzer have future aspirations that cause her to play the part of the suffering wife, or is it genuine? Who knows? And, when it comes right down to it, who really cares? Do I (or anyone for that matter) have the right to comment on the Spitzer's or the Clinton's marriages? Of course, the ones I really feel sorry for are the kids. They certainly don't deserve the humiliation they must be feeling, not to mention the crap they will probably take from their peers. It's all pretty ugly, all the way around.

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