Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hillary Clinton

When Bill Clinton lied about cheating on his wife, it really didn't bother me all that much. It was something I could understand, if not condone. After all, it's the ingrained behavior of a cheating spouse; when caught in the act, deny it. Of course, Bill took it way too far when he continued to lie about it, even under oath, and it pretty much destroyed the viability of his presidency. Still, I maintain to this day, if he had just apologized for it, it would have been no big deal. No such chance with the Clintons.

Hillary has now set a new standard for lying, in my opinion. In case you haven't heard about it, when she was First Lady, Hillary and her daughter, Chelsea, traveled to Bosnia while that nation was in the middle of its bloody conflict. Hillary, in a recent speech, talked about landing in the middle of vicious fighting, and how she had to run for her life, and was lucky to get out alive. Dramatic stuff, and very compelling. Except for one critical element: it was a complete lie. Not only that, there were other people there, including the "comedian", Sinbad, who quickly came forward and said that Hillary's revisionist account of the incident was total fiction. To make matters worse, CBS News was there to cover her arrival in Bosnia, and had filmed the whole thing. The footage was aired yesterday on the morning news, and it was proof positive that Mrs. Clinton calculatedly made up the whole thing.

Hillary would like to brush all this off by saying she was just "mistaken". But I don't believe it's that easy. Think of the arrogance of the whole thing, Hillary's deliberate and calculated lie to make her look heroic, completely ignoring the fact that there were dozens, if not hundreds, of witnesses present. Think of the insult to the soldiers who faced real combat in Bosnia, only to have their experience trivialized. Think of the condescending attitude she exhibited to the American people as a whole, as if we're just stupid children who would embrace her "heroism", despite the proof to the contrary. If Hillary can so coldly lie about something like this, something that can so easily proven to be a lie, how can the American people believe her about anything? How can she be trusted?

Well, to put it bluntly, she can't. I've been ambivalent in the past about the storied Clinton "waffling," but this latest incident has finally sealed the deal for me. I can fully understand now why many people despise Hillary Clinton. I can understand why people feel she cannot be trusted. You can now put me in that camp. If Hillary wins the nomination, the Democrats will lost my vote in the election. I would rather vote for a third party candidate, or not at all, than vote for this despicable person.


B said...

As for Bill lying under oath, I always felt he just should have told everyone to stick it.

That the Supreme Court was engaged in a witch hunt, that he was running a co-equal branch of government, and if the Congress wanted to impeach him, they could go ahead.

Because the other thing I've always felt is that a man cannot go onto the witness stand and tell the world he's cheating on his wife.

If Clinton had gone on the stand and told the truth, his support on the left would have, IMHO, completely collapsed.

Yes -- there are far worse things than perjury.

Because if Clinton would have thrown his wife under the bus like that, he would have proved to his supporters that his detractors were right -- that he completely lacked a moral compass.

Sort of like what Hillary is doing now.

However, there is one big difference.

If Bill Clinton had stepped down as President -- if he had resigned or had been impeached. Al Gore would have been President, and we all know in our bones 9-11 and everything after would have never happened.

If Hillary Clinton fails to become President, than John McCain would be President -- and freedom in America would continue its steep ride downward. Attorney General Guiliani. Four more years of Republican Supreme Court nominees. Policies that favor millionaires at the expense of everyone else. Then he dies, and Mike Huckabee or Mitt Romney becomes President.

I will grant everyone every nasty thing that they want to say about Hillary, but we need to have the liberal party back in power.

Max said...

OK, you've convinced me. I won't waste my vote on a third party candidate. I'll vote for the b___.